DECISION 2018: Amy Williams welcomes Pyeongchang's election as Olympic hosts

Bobsleigh & SkeletonWinter Olympics 2018Post a comment
Posted: Wednesday 6th July 2011 | 17:07

By Sportsbeat staff

AMY Williams has welcomed the decision to award the 2018 Winter Olympics to Pyeongchang.

RIGHT CALL: British Olympic champion Amy Williams believes the decision to award the 2018 Winter Olympics to Korea will broaden her sport's horizons (Getty Images)

Williams became the first British athlete to win an individual Winter Olympic gold in 30 years when she claimed the women's skeleton title in Vancouver last year.

And she believes her sport will only benefit from taking the Games outside its traditional home of Europe, with Munich and Annecy well beaten by their Korean rival in the host city election in Durban.

"It’s great to take winter sports out of its traditional winter haunts of Europe and America and give Asia a fantastic opportunity to further encourage participation in winter sports," said Williams. 

"I know the passion that the area has for winter sports and I’m sure that PyeongChang will stage a fantastic Games.”

British Olympic Association chairman Colin Moynihan, in Durban for the IOC Session, also congratulated the winning bid.

"As the first Asian city outside of Japan to host the winter Games, PyeongChang will bring the excitement of the winter Olympics to a new audience," he said. 

"We look forward to what we are sure will be excellently organised Games that make Asia and the Olympic movement proud." 

© Sportsbeat 2011


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North Korea

The North Korean IOC member Chang said in June 2011, if the tensions between North and South Korea won´t get better, this may influence the Olympic Winter Games badly.
I don´t know why Amy and the British Olympic Association do ignore this lacks of security. Very silly and blue-eyed.
North Korea´s demand to do a joint-staging of the Winter Games has been rejected by the IOC recently.
All those IOC members did know these security problems when they voted for Pyeongchang!
Just take a look in Pyeongchang´s Bid Book.
So they will have to take over the responsibility if it goes wrong.
It is crazy in my opinion to risk the lives of so many in one of the world´s MOST DANGEROUS regions.

i love taylor launtner

i love taylor launtner

High politicial tensions - region of crisis - North Korea

Perhaps our IOC members should update their knowledge. North Korea is a aggressive dictatorship, in November 2010 they fired on South

Oh YES, staging Olympics on

Oh YES, staging Olympics on the frontier to North Korea guarantees perfect CALM Olympic Winter Games.
In 2010, North Korea shot down people on an South Korean island. The radioactive radiation is South Korea is higher. It is said it is because atomic tests of North Korea.
Not a very healthy environment.
It is GREAT to take winter sport to the high explosive border of North Korea, YES!!!

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