Should the Paralympics and Olympics be merged to create one super sports event?


It's just not practical -

It's just not practical - there are too many Paralympic sports with separate governing bodies to the able-bodied equivalents; eg athletics is controlled by the IPC, not the IAAF, so there would need to be 2 sets of officials at each session. Plus the sessions would be longer, with less down time - it would not save money, which is ultimately the main motivator.

sharing is caring

sharing one medal would show to the world that paralympians can team up with olympians. it will show that london cares for everyone even more!!!
I hope you like my half medal idea i sent earlier!

sharing the gold medal

it would be great if the paralympians and olympians would team up for a last battle to win half of a gold medal... confusing?
well i mean... one half goes to the paralympian and the other half goes to the olympian!!! and if it connected it would show that they are a team!!!
that would be great! me and my daughter thought of it!!!



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