Champions of Tomorrow
GUEST BLOG: Three-time Commonwealth silver medallist Jenna Randall
Champions of TomorrowChampions of Tomorrow
By Jenna Randall, three-time Commonwealth silver medallist
ARRIVING back in England to deep snow was certainly a shock to the system having spent January out in America at a training camp.
SPANISH SAHARA: Jenna Randall, left, and Olivia Federici are currently preparing for their first competition of 2012 in Barcelona
It wasn’t that warm in San Francisco when I was there but it was certainly better than the snow back home.
I am not really much of a sledging fan so I didn’t head out into the white stuff to play around – I retreated to the sofa and to the cinema to watch some films.
I went to see The Descendants which was good and there were a lot of other films at home and generally the plan was just to stay warm.
We were given a couple of days off to get back used to the time zones and things which was nice because there is not going to be much rest between now and the Olympics.
The competitions start soon at the Spanish Open in Barcelona and then there is a big one every month between now and the Olympics.
Barcelona will be the first time we compete with our new routines which is exciting. Myself and my syncrho partner Olivia Federici spent our time in America working on our free routine so it will be nice to perform that and get some feedback.
Routines are always a work in progress because when we compete we always make sure we get as much feedback as we can.
We will go up to the judges at the end of the competition and ask them what they liked and disliked about the routine.
Then we can go away and work on things and hopefully get everything as good as it can possibly be in time for London 2012.
We have competed at the Spanish Open for the last couple of years so we know what to expect from that event and it’ll be nice to get the season started.
It’ll also be nice to be back with the rest of the synchro girls and get back into training for the team event. No doubt, having been away for a while, we will have a lot to catch up on on the duet routines so it is going to be a busy time.
We are like a big bunch of sisters really and there is no gossiping and we all get on well so it will be nice to be back in training with them.
The only bad side – apart from the weather – about being back in the UK is our start times in the morning. In America they liked to start a bit later in the day so we were starting training at 9am and going through until 7 at night. Now we’re home it’s back to 7am starts!
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